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They’re not exactly sweepstakes, but the stakes can be high for companies and agencies tasked with keeping roads and properties safe and clear of debris.
Springtime storms are notorious for both damage and general nuisances. It’s a rare spring when we skate through without at least one branch-breaking snowstorm. No sooner do trees start to bloom, adding lots of surface area in the process, than a heavy, wet snowfall comes along and wreaks havoc on the leaves and the branches that carry them. And when the snow melts, as it does quickly in the spring, tons of damage and debris is left behind, threatening property and power lines and clogging street drains, causing water hazards where golf course designers never intended them.
That’s where sweepers and scrapers from the O.J. Watson Equipment Company come to the rescue.
Industry-Best Sweepers Are Ready to Roll
O.J. Watson is proud to represent the top brands in commercial sweeping trucks along with the expertise to match you with the ideal truck for your needs.
No job is too big or too small for Schwarze sweepers. They tackle airport runways, roadways, and surface lots, large and small. They’re equipped with the best in safety features to keep both operators and the pedestrian and vehicle-driving public safe and alert to driver actions.
Special features like the Schwarze Sweeps-In-Reverse℠, WhisperWheel℠ Fan system, leaf bleeder, and in-cab hydraulic gutter broom tilt add unparalleled versatility and efficiency to these time-tested workhorses. And extra-value designs like hydraulic test ports and slide-out screens provide quick work of maintenance needs so your sweepers spend more time making you money and less time in the shop.
Vac-Con industrial vacuum trucks and heavy-duty trailer-mounted machines are found on job sites or city streets wherever fast, efficient debris removal is called for. From small parking lots to highways, Vac-Con has a sweeper for you and O.J. Watson Equipment has the expertise to match you with the perfect machine for your needs. Vac-Con’s wide range of versatile world-class heavy-duty industrial vacuum trucks and loaders are guaranteed to save time, money, and effort performing sweeping and debris removal tasks. They offer a wide variety of options from trailer-mounted units for maximum flexibility to self-contained vacuum trucks for heavy-duty performance.
On-site, hands-on training for all of our heavy equipment is also offered regularly throughout the year, too. Give us a call at 303.295.2885 for details and schedules.
So if you’re looking to upgrade or expand your fleet or simply keep the trucks you have in tip-top shape, O.J. Watson Equipment is ready to help you spring into the spring cleanup season.
We Service What We Sell
Whether your fleet includes purpose-built vacuum trucks or specialized equipment, O.J. Watson Equipment is here to keep you rolling. With 30 top-notch mechanics in our Denver and Greeley shops, backed by a huge parts inventory, our service department can tune up, repair, or modify your vehicles to be ready as soon as the snow melts—or even sooner.
OJ is the OG in Work Trucks
Whatever specialized truck and truck equipment you need, from large to small, O.J. Watson is proudly prepared to handle your requirements.
O.J. Watson has been building and maintaining trucks from pickups to large workhorses for over 100 years, so you can be sure you're getting the finest designs and equipment backed up by OEM parts and superior service. With facilities in Denver and Greeley, we’re easy to get to from all Front Range and rural Colorado locations.
We also have a huge variety of accessory items and parts at both our locations. If your need is unique, we have a specialized piece of equipment to handle it. And if it’s not available off-the-shelf, we can build it for you.
So don’t wait for the birds to sing. Learn more now about truck maintenance and our other many products and services on our website: ojwatson.com.